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Showing posts from September, 2023

Bengaluru regions and story

Bengaluru or Bangalore got its name from 'benda kaluru' or boiled beans. Similarly, the name of almost every locality in Bengaluru has a story behind it. Marathahalli : The area received its name from a fighter aircraft named 'Marut', which was designed and assembled at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited facility that's located close to this area. 'Halli' in Kannada means village. Ulsoor : This area used to have a jackfruit orchard. Jackfruit is called 'halasu' in Kannada. 'Halasu-ooru' became Ulsoor. Domlur : This area, which was dominated by people of Telugu origin, was notorious for its mosquito menace. Mosquitoes are called 'domalu' in Telugu. Hence, the place came to be known as Domlur. Doddenekundi : Another Telugu-dominated area, it was originally called 'Dodda Nakka Vundi', which translates to 'there's a big jackal there'. Eventually, it became Doddanekundi. Nagarabhavi : The name 'Nagarabhavi' lit

'घालीन लोटांगण' या प्रार्थनेचे रहस्य तुम्हाला माहित आहे का ?

कोणत्याही देवाच्या आरती नंतर एका सुरात व धावत्या चालीत ही प्रार्थना म्हटली जाते. अतिशय श्रवणीय व नादमधुर असल्याने खूपच लोकप्रिय आहे. सर्वत्र म्हटली जाते व भक्त त्यात तल्लीन होऊन जातात. आज आपण या प्रार्थने मधील वैशिष्टे पाहूया व त्याचा अर्थ  समजावून घेऊ. ही प्रार्थना चार कडव्याची आहे व पाचवे कडवे हा एक मंत्र आहे. वैशिष्ट्ये : (१) प्रार्थनेतील चारही कडव्यांचे रचयिता वेगवेगळे आहेत. (२) ही चारही कडवी वेगवेगळ्या कालखंडात लिहिली गेली आहेत. (३) पहिले कडवे मराठीत असून उरलेली कडवी संस्कृत भाषेत आहेत. (४) बऱ्याच जणांना असे वाटते की ही गणपतीची प्रार्थना आहे. पण ही सर्व देवांच्या आरती नंतर म्हणली जाते. (५) वेगवेगळ्या कवींची व वेगवेगळ्या कालखंडातील कडवी एकत्र करून ही प्रार्थना बनवली गेली आहे. आता आपण प्रत्येक कडवे अर्थासह पाहूया १) घालीन लोटांगण वंदीन चरणl डोळ्यांनी पाहिन रूप तुझे |  प्रेमे आलिंगन आनंदे पूजीन |  भावे ओवाळीन म्हणे नामा | वरील कडवे संत नामदेवांनी तेराव्या शतकात लिहिलेली एक सुंदर रचना आहे अर्थ... विठ्ठलाला उद्देशुन संत नामदेव म्हणतात, तुला मी लोटांगण घालीन व तुझ्या चरणांना वंदन करी

What is a dishwasher salt?

You have used dishwasher salt, ever wondered what is it ? Dishwasher salt   is a particular grade of   granulated ,   crystalline   sodium chloride   intended for regenerating the   water softener   circuit of household or industrial   dishwashers . Analogous to   water softener   salt, dishwasher salt regenerates   ion exchange resins , expelling the therein trapped   calcium   and   magnesium   ions   that characterize   hard water . Dishwater salt granules are larger than those of   table salt . The granule size ensures that the   salt   dissolves slowly, and that fine particles do not block the softener unit. Dishwasher salt is unsuitable for cooking as it is not considered food grade and therefore may contain toxic elements. If a dishwasher has a built-in water softener there will be a special compartment inside the dishwasher where the salt is to be added when needed. This salt compartment is separate from the detergent compartment, and generally located at the bottom of the wash

Aditya L1 India's Mission to Sun

 India has launched it's indigenous mission Aditya L1 from Sriharikota on 2nd September 2023 to study the Sun. The Satellite is expected to exit Earth's gravity on 16 days. While it may take around 100 days to reach the L1 orbit around the Sun. I wondered what's so special about L1 Lagrange orbit? Why can't it use any random orbit? I found some interesting information, this post summarizes it. NASA Solar System Exploration Our Galactic Neighborhood Skip Navigation menu RESOURCES What is a Lagrange Point? Source:  NASA/WMAP Science Team Published:  March 27, 2018 What are they? Lagrange Points Lagrange points are positions in space where objects sent there tend to stay put. At Lagrange points, the gravitational pull of two large masses precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them. These points in space can be used by spacecraft to reduce fuel consumption needed to remain in position. Above description highlights the importance of u