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Showing posts from January, 2024

IPhone Ring tone not working?

Recently my wife faced the strange problem that her iphone14 ringtone was not working. We tried all the approaches suggested in Apple support website like changing ringtones even factory reset but all in vain. Then today we came across a post in Yahoo finance. Which had a fix and all out tension was gone in a jiffy.. Do your friends and family constantly complain that you never answer their phone calls? Are you actively trying to avoid them? Well, if that’s the case, then this video isn’t for you. But if you do want to keep in touch with your loved ones but can’t figure out why your phone isn’t ringing when they call, I’ve got a quick tip that should solve your problem. If you’re using Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone, there’s a good chance that you accidentally turned on its Do Not Disturb feature. When you do this, you automatically silence any calls you’d normally get and send them to your voicemail. I’ve known more than a few people who have had this issue, including someone who’s probably wa