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IPhone Ring tone not working?

Recently my wife faced the strange problem that her iphone14 ringtone was not working.

We tried all the approaches suggested in Apple support website like changing ringtones even factory reset but all in vain.

Then today we came across a post in Yahoo finance. Which had a fix and all out tension was gone in a jiffy..

Do your friends and family constantly complain that you never answer their phone calls? Are you actively trying to avoid them? Well, if that’s the case, then this video isn’t for you. But if you do want to keep in touch with your loved ones but can’t figure out why your phone isn’t ringing when they call, I’ve got a quick tip that should solve your problem.

If you’re using Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone, there’s a good chance that you accidentally turned on its Do Not Disturb feature. When you do this, you automatically silence any calls you’d normally get and send them to your voicemail.

I’ve known more than a few people who have had this issue, including someone who’s probably watching this and turning red at the moment: Sorry Mom.

To turn off Do Not Disturb on the iPhone 6s, 7 or 8, simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen to pull up the Control Center. If you’ve got an iPhone X, you’ll need to swipe down from the top right corner of the display.

If Do Not Disturb is active, the crescent moon icon will be lit up white and the moon icon will look blue. You’ll also see a moon icon in the top right corner of the Home screen. To turn Do Not Disturb off, simply tap the icon and you should see a message at the top of the screen that reads “Do Not Disturb: Off.”

If Do Not Disturb is already off, your phone’s ringer might be silenced. To turn it back on you can flip the switch on the left side of your phone just above the volume buttons. If the switch has a red indicator showing, the ringer is being silenced. Move the switch to the off position and then turn up the volume on your phone to increase the sound of the ringer.

Your phone should now ring whenever you get a call.

Whether that’s a good thing or not depends on who’s calling.

Thanks to the person who posted this Daniel Howley 


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